Have you had trouble generating home improvement leads through Twitter? Don’t worry – unless you made this list of Twitter marketing disasters, it’s not just you. The fact of the matter is that Twitter simply isn’t the ideal platform for advertising if your goal is to generate home improvement leads.

Think about what Twitter is used for. Have you ever decided you needed to purchase a big ticket item and hit Twitter to do your shopping? Of course not. Twitter is perfect for promoting content, generating brand awareness, drawing attention to promotions and sending adorable videos of a sloth eating grapes to all of your followers just for the heck of it. But you’re never going to hash out a deal to redo someone’s master bedroom in a series of 140 character exchanges.
And that’s fine for most industries, but in the home improvement world spreading content and cute animal videos isn’t going to generate revenue. Improving brand awareness doesn’t matter if the followers who are aware of your brand have no desire to actually employ your services. Sure, on some level all of Twitter’s other benefits probably add up to a few leads here and there, but with no way to quantify that data it’s impossible to say for sure.

With that in mind, is it still worth it to tweet? Well, that depends on both your goals and your resources. Maintaining a topnotch Twitter account, as I’ve explained before, is time consuming. Because you’re not going to get a lot of tangible benefits out of Twitter it’s important to ensure that your use of it comes after all of your work that has a serious shot at generating leads, not instead of it.
If you can find the time, however, Twitter marketing does have some benefits. The ability to engage directly with customers is always valuable, as is the ability to boost your search engine ranking. It’s always important to stay abreast of what’s going on in your industry and what your competitors are up to, and the fast pace of Twitter makes it ideal for that purpose. Those are important to your business, and if those are your goals then Twitter will serve you just fine. But Twitter can’t generate leads for you, and if you’re using the service for that purpose you’ll only find frustration. Anyway, here’s that sloth video: