Ever visit a web site, leave, then suddenly see that web site’s banners everywhere? It’s not the CIA, NSA, FBI or Big Brother. It’s remarketing, and it works to drive leads for home improvement companies.
Establishing Intent
When a homeowner visits your website it’s not by accident. They made an intentional decision to visit. Now, maybe they left your site because they were just in the research phase, or they weren’t ready to make a decision. But, even if they didn’t take an action, these homeowners have demonstrated interest an intent just by showing up.
This is where remarketing comes into play.
According to Google, it takes between 10-12 interactions with a brand’s message before someone takes action. Remarketing can provide those extra interactions, those “nudges” if you will, that encourage a homeowner to become a lead. It’s a way to reinforce your company’s identity in the eyes of a homeowner after they leave your website. And, through remarketing, you can generate an extra 5-10 percent of leads online. Who doesn’t want that?
How Does it Work?
There are different types of remarketing campaigns you can run, but one of the simplest, and most cost-effective, is a text or banner ad campaign. How the technology works isn’t important. What is important is that Google and other remarketing services place a banner or text about your company on different websites that homeowners visit after they leave your site.
As an example. A homeowner goes to your site and doesn’t convert. But he or she comes back to their computer a day later and spends time on their favorite website. Let’s say its DailyBeast.com. While they are reading that popular blog, your ads could
It goes back to the 10-12 touches mentioned above. You can rack up those touches – and capture homeowners’ attention while they are still in consideration mode but no longer on your website. You’ve no doubt spent an inordinate amount of time and money to get visitors to your site. You don’t want those visitors to leave and possibly never hear from you again.
A Quick Example
I was on a site a couple of weeks ago that a friend asked me to check out TruckTap, which specializes in heavy duty trucks and construction equipment. It was a short visit, but that’s not important. What was important to TruckTap was that I remembered who they were, and that they took another shot at marketing to me.
That’s where remarketing comes in. When I went to Boston.com a couple of days later, there was TruckTap’s ad.
That’s why remarketing is so powerful. You get a second, third and fourth chance – at a minimum – to market back to people you’ve already paid to bring into the fold. With homeowners loathe to make an immediate decision, staying in front of them for weeks and months after they visit can be a very strong lead generation strategy.
I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me
Yes, that was a Rockwell song reference which clearly reveals my age, but it fits here. Remarketing may seem a little “Big Brother”, but it’s the way of the world. Remarketing is like your wingman. It helps you get the qualified leads (or date) that you’re seeking.