Or, as Solomon said to the two women standing before him, “Which half of the baby do you want?”
It takes Solomon-like wisdom to answer the title question, because the answer is not one or the other, but discovering the power provided when used together.
The Bottom Line Is Credibility
The bottom line is always about credibility – online or not. Consumers will ultimately buy from the product or service provider they find most credible. They want to be confident that the product or service meets or exceeds the promise of what was advertised.
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Studies have proven that, unless a consumer has already had a first-hand experience with your business, they are probably not looking for you. They may have never even heard of your business. In the second decade of the 21st century, the first place people begin a search is usually on the internet. Also, they will typically search first for your service – in this case, home improvement services.
Your objective is to be positioned so that they find your business easily and, once they find you, to be able to determine that you are the most credible solution to their problem. This is passive lead generation. In other words, you have no idea who is searching or what they need. In order to be effective, your online presence must be optimized to attract searchers and promote your credibility.
Two Tools Together Are Better than One
It’s difficult to tighten a nut and a bolt without a wrench on both ends, and it’s just as difficult to attract home improvement leads online without a combination of organic and paid optimization.
Image courtesy of Gualberto107 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Both are effective, but each is more effective when used together. In fact, the two are almost polar opposites so that the strengths of one makeup for the weaknesses of the other. Watch what happens when used together.
- Paid advertising is expensive. Organic optimization is not.
- Organic optimization gets your business higher in the rankings. Paid advertising highlights your presence.
- People have less confidence in paid ads. First-page results inspire confidence.
- Waiting for organic results may take a long time. Paid ads tend to generate responses more quickly.
- Paid search results tend to generate more data about individual searchers. Organic search results tend to generate more demographic information, which may be more helpful in continuing to optimize for better results.
No One Can Guarantee First Place or Even First Page Results
Search algorithms are complicated, they change almost continually, and no one will reveal exactly how they work. However, in the home improvement business, you have an additional tool, and it’s not passive.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Keyword Connects actively searches for and delivers exclusive leads for your business In fact, we have a proven track record of 60-80% conversion rates from leads to purchases. Check our website and learn how a relationship with Keyword Connects can benefit your business. While you are there, be sure to download our eBook, The Five Online Metrics that Matter for Home Improvement Lead Generation. It’s absolutely FREE.
You can trust Keyword Connects to deliver the results you want.