Google is a lot like Dr. Pepper – “so misunderstood.” Yet the differences between the companies are profound. Dr. Pepper’s famous tagline was simply about a soft drink brand that wanted to increase its popularity among consumers by being understood. It appears, however, that Google prefers to be misunderstood.
The word “Google” is now synonymous with “search,” like “Kleenex” is with “tissue.” While that is a good thing for Google in the sense that people equate it with searching, it has an even greater advantage for Google because that limited perception means that Google can use being misunderstood to its advantage.
As long as the public perception is that “Google = search,” Google is able to keep its real strategic objectives under wraps.
Is Google Launching Its Own Home Improvement Lead Service?
Apparently it is. There are several indicators, including the fact that Google has already test-marketed their own version of home improvement lead generation in its favored market of the San Francisco Bay area.
What Is Google’s Home Improvement Lead Service?
At this point it appears to be a variant of Google AdWords. That’s the annoying practice of placing ads at the top of search results, something that is much more suited for mobile rather than desktop searches. Although it claims that all of the advertised services have been vetted through background checks and customer reviews, its service is just another form of gaining higher search engine results through advertising.
Why Would Google Create Anything Akin to a Home Improvement Lead Service?
A better question might be, “Why did Google invest millions of dollars in Thumbtack (home improvement)?” Or, “Why did Google invest millions of dollars in Uber (ride hailing)?” And, “What does Uber have to do with home improvement lead generation?”
The answer to that last question is, “Nothing.” Its importance is the investments, not the companies themselves. It all has to do with Google’s hidden agenda.
What Is Google Really Doing?
While the details are known only to a few, Google has made no bones about its ultimate goal: To become the primary interface to the entire world, i.e., the Internet of Things. It is estimated that by 2020, Google will “provide the option to live almost your entire day through its interface. If successful, it will know everything about you, your home, your business, what you need, when you need it, and where to get it. To understand why Google does what it does, you need to understand the big picture.
Imagine Uber using Google’s self-driving cars (that are already zipping around the Bay area) or imagine Google acquiring Uber so that it becomes certain that it uses Google’s cars.
Google wants to “own your home” by means of connection, content and automation, including installation and control of electric meters, thermostats, smoke alarms and home security. Not to mention that they are attempting to gain content rights to cable and satellite services, including programming rights to major sporting events.
Google wants to control the entire purchase cycle for all consumer items.
Is What Google Wants the Same Thing You Want?
The overt activities of Google have mostly been designed to cater to us, but its ultimate goal is to control us. From either a personal or a business perspective, is that really what you want?
All that most business people ask for is a level-playing field. Google’s entrance into the home services business does just the opposite. While the advent of the internet seemed to create the desired effect, Google and others are now tilting it to the advantage of a few, primarily themselves. In the end, the Google scenario advocates what is in its own best interests.
Our approach at Keyword Connects is to help our clients build their businesses. We don’t charge our clients to advertise, nor do we charge our customers for lists that are conveniently labeled as leads.
We generate home improvement leads by finding quality, qualified customers in your service area and deliver them exclusively to your business. Keyword Connects is not your competition. We are your proven, most reliable source of home improvement lead generation.
Contact us today. Let Keyword Connects show you how we can help you build your business with quality, qualified leads.