In 1966, Ginger Baker asked Eric Clapton to start a band. Joined by Jack Bruce, rock’s most influential trio, Cream, was born.
Whenever a home improvement company asks me for strategies to generate more leads from the online world – beyond the staples of SEO and paid search, I have three strategies that I share for even more online success:
On Lead Guitar: Special Offers
Many home improvement companies put little thought into the offers on their web site. They either throw something onto the site – or go without an offer at all. That’s a mistake. Having a special offer can turn more visitors into real live, sell-able leads.
Homeowners who convert through special offers have a high level of intent. And if you make the offer time-sensitive, you’ll see a rise in conversion rates and quality lead volume. That’s because you’re enticing them to make the decision on your site – when their interest is already peaked.
Steady Bass Lines: Free Emails
Email marketing is for prospects with softer intent to purchase. Visitors may not be ready to purchase at all moments on your web site, but may well ask to be marketed to. Homeowners opt in for free emails for many reasons: they may be saving up to replace their roof, or they may be waiting to remodel the kitchen until the kids are back in school. They may even be waiting for the weather to turn around.
Homeowners who choose the email route need periodic reminders before they make a decision. Consider them long term brand touches, so that you can be there when they’re ready to buy.
Drumming up Business: Contests
Many home improvement companies opt to start a contest to increase traffic to their web site. More traffic means more conversions, right? Technically, yes. You will get more conversions when you ask people to enter your contest, but there is a lower chance that they will turn into strong leads. The participants might not even be homeowners, after all.
Sweepstakes entries have the lowest intent to purchase. But with strong follow-up strategies, and solid email marketing, these entries become long term prospects who ultimately turn into sales. Commitment is the key here. Many home improvement companies abandon sweepstakes because they are labor-intensive. But many growing companies swear by the sweepstakes, because it gives them access to a much larger crowd of homeowners to market to.
Harmonizing Your Strategies
Any one of these strategies can deliver leads to your web site, but balancing all of them is going to turn more web site visitors into “fans.” Remember: each member of Cream was raw talent on their own, but when they combined it was an explosion of awesomeness.