Is your business website accomplishing what you expect it to? The answer is either a yes or a no, but the question can’t really be answered unless you know what you expect it to do.
So, why do you have a website for your home improvement business? There is no right or wrong answer. The point of this question is simply to stimulate you to think about the purpose of your website. You see, if you don’t know the purpose, you also don’t know if the site is doing what you need it to do.
Without Generating Leads, What’s the Point?
Building and maintaining effective websites is a marketing expense. Savvy businessmen and women know that they need every marketing expense to drive, or at least induce, a way of recovering that expense plus enough revenue to make a reasonable profit. Having a website simply so that people can know you exist is an unjustified expense. Regardless of intent (i.e., even if the point is to drive more leadsds), if it does not accomplish that purpose, the site is not generating revenue.
Content Is Like a Set of Keys to Open Doors for Leads
There is an entire sector of people known as homeowners. They have in common the desire to maintain, improve and beautify their home to preserve its value and make it a more comfortable place to live. That represents the first key to using content to generate leads through your website.
Key #1 – Fill a Need. Create content that fills the readers’ needs. The most likely reason they are visiting your site is because they have a home improvement need. Describe your services in as much detail as is reasonable that is likely to answer at least their initial questions.
Key #2 – Provide Value. Include short articles that are helpful in and of themselves – information that broadens their understanding of building materials, introduces them to new trends and products, and helps them save money and improve the value of their homes.
Key #3 – Make it Interesting. Include infographics, videos, and podcasts. Offer free eBooks that expand on the information already on your site.
Key #4 – Share Your Expertise. It’s what they are looking for. The more expertise your website offers, the more confidence readers will have in your business. Consider providing lists of “Do’s” and “Don’ts” that can help site visitors to avoid compounding their problems.
Key #5 – Be a Good Neighbor. Avoid a sales pitch. Other than basic information, such as including a short “Who We Are” section, don’t talk about your business per se. Your website visitors want help. When they feel assured that your company is more interested in them than in what that help may cost, you have got a viable lead.
Website lead generation requires some skill – and a great deal of thought. We know. We’ve not only “been there; done that,” we “are there; doing that.” In fact, one of our clients in Maryland said that “We convert 84% of Keyword’s leads into appointments.”
If you have not used Keyword Connects lead generation services, please contact us. We’d love to show you how to obtain more quality leads through your website and how we can help deliver even more qualified leads.