All Metrics are not Created Equal. Todd Bairstow Covers how Online Metrics can Make a Difference in Lead Generation for Professional Roofing Magazine.
We all look at metrics. And that makes sense – it’s the only way to objectively measure results and, from there, make improvements to your sales process. But it’s not that simple. When it comes to online metrics for roofers, there are so many things that can be tracked and so many “experts” telling you which ones to look at that it can be overwhelming. The worst offenders? Companies that offer roofing lead generation services. These guys love to trumpet the numbers they can generate for you. But, like a magician’s misdirection, they point you towards indicators that make them look good but that fail to drive the leads, appointments and sales that you really need. In an article for Professional Roofing magazine, Todd Bairstow of Keyword Connects takes a look at five pairs of common online metrics and explains why one matters and why the other is likely to be misleading at best, and a colossal waste of a roofing company’s time and money at worst. To read the article, visit:–02-01-2016/3783.